Top 5 Marketing Trends for Realtors 2019


(10-minute read)

Hello there! I hope 2019 is off to a great start for you and your business. I recently wrote an article for Real Producer’s Magazine sharing my thoughts on the key marketing trends we see making the biggest impact within the real estate industry in 2019. We scoured the internet for articles, feedback and predictions from some of marketing and real estate’s leading juggernauts and combined them with our own thoughts to provide you with a list of trends we see as ones to watch and include in your 2019 marketing plan.

A Quick Look Back at 2018

In this ever-changing digital landscape, marketing professionals recognize that online marketing will continue to be one of the most important channels for your overall marketing strategy moving into 2019.

With all of the advancements in video, live streaming, predictive analytics, messenger bots, etc., social media marketing continues to be one of the most prominent tools when it comes to marketing your business online. However, several things have changed in the past year. Social media algorithms have transformed, Facebook announced the decline in organic reach for business/brand pages, Instagram began deleting “fake accounts” and removing likes and comments from those who were using third party apps and bots to inauthentically engage with their followers, and brands are being asked to produce more genuine and engaging content now more than ever.

So, what does all of this mean for Realtors? We’ve put together a list of the top five real estate marketing trends we see as being key for real estate agents in 2019.

1. Virtual Open Houses

With everything becoming digitalized, virtual open houses provide massive exposure and should be at the top of your to-do list in 2019. One advantage of virtual open houses is that only serious buyers will inquire about viewing the property in person. Video marketing is key, whether it is a professional video or quick segment from your phone.

2. Automated Marketing

Make your life easier with programs that automate tasks like emails, social media posts, text messages, and website chatbots. Time block an hour each week to set up content and you are done! For more information, take a look at the 7 Marketing Automation Tools That Could Change Your Small Business by Forbes.

3. Content Creation

The internet is chocked full of the same information. 2019 is your time to shine! We recommend updating your professional website to include more personal information. Your bio is a great place to differentiate yourself by sharing personal interests, hobbies and passions, as well as include your listings, client testimonials, social media channels, videos and a blog section.

The blog should consist of topics that are customized to your specific area or niche. Think about what clients typically ask you and then fulfill their needs through your blog with helpful tips, articles and links. For example, create content about the schools in the area, transportation, or what amenities the neighborhood offers (best coffee shops, patios, happy hour, dog parks, etc.)

4. Refreshed Email Marketing

** OUR TOP RECOMMENDATION: We predict that email marketing will make a huge comeback in 2019. Want to know why? Because more and more professionals are realizing that social media is just rented space and that 72% of consumers prefer to receive promotional content in email vs. social media. Better yet, you own your email subscriber lists and when you take the time to serve your Sphere with rich content, they will be excited to invest in your services. Did you know that just 1 subscriber has the power to covert to $1 in revenue per month? Think about that? We urge you to take a look at your 2018 email marketing campaigns and note what performed well and what did not. Did certain subject lines produce exceptional open rates? Did a particular format get more clicks than others? Once you establish those points, adjust your current email marketing strategy to reach your audience more effectively.

Ensure your campaigns are mobile friendly and that you are personalizing your email content based on data from website visits, purchase history, and email preferences. Finally, remember that the quality of your email marketing campaigns always trump quantity. Aren’t currently using email marketing as a way to communicate with your clients, prospects and shoppers? Don’t worry, it’s never too late to start! Make this your top priorty for 2019 and we promise, you will see results.

5. Authentic Social Media

Customers do business with people they know, like and trust. Clients are interested in getting to know who you are as a professional and as a person. It’s not only about promoting the properties you want to sell, but it’s also about educating them on who you are and showcasing your personality and knowlege of the areas you specialize. Don’t be afraid to open up and start a conversation or share a personal story.

By being genuine and engaging in your posts, you will create the right audience following. Post encouraging reviews from customers to demonstrate that you have experience working with real people who made successful purchases. When using stories to promote an open house or new listing, show your face, use your voice to describe the space, and look professional.

And there it is guys, the Top 5 Marketing Trends for Realtors. I hope you found this information helpful. By turning these trends into action, I am sure your real estate business with thrive in 2019. If you have further questions, or need assistance with developing your marketing strategy, please email us at Good luck in the new year!


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